Twin Eagles Neighborhood Association (“TENA”), Inc.
P.O. Box 155, Huntertown, IN 46748-0155
(Effective Date 12-1-2018)
Applications are to be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee Chairperson two weeks prior to the next scheduled TENA board meeting. The ACC strives to work with and assist homeowners in the submittal of their projects for approvals. The ACC takes into consideration the entire community appearance and its character. The ACC works within the context of the Twin Eagles protective restrictions and covenants, related governing documents and applicable county requirements.
- ACC meetings are generally scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Dates will be posted on the TENA website (
- Applications must be received by TENA Architectural Control Committee Chairperson a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting in order to ensure review.
- Submittals should be sufficiently detailed, professional looking and drawn to scale so that a narrative should not be necessary to explain the proposed project.
- Incomplete submittals cannot be approved.
- Projects shall be suitable to the standards, character and quality of Twin Eagles Neighborhood and shall harmonize with and sustain the attractiveness of the community.
For additional information please reference the specific covenants for your lot & section.